
Title: Impact of Human-scale Street Space Quality on Walking to School by School-age Children:A Case Study of Beijing


摘要 (Abstract)


Improving the quality of street space can not only promote children’s physical activity and their health, but also push forward the construction of child-friendly cities in China. Previous studies on the associations between the built environment and walking to school by school-age children are insufficient, and have paid little attention to humanscale street space. Using the traffic survey data of Beijing in 2015 in combination with streetscape and basic geographic information data, this paper identifies the built environment elements that affects school-age children’s choice of walking to school, especially the street space elements at the human scale, and controls the possible bias caused by residential self-selection. Results show that: street walkability and vitality are significantly correlated with the probability of walking to school by schoolage children, and the children with better socioeconomic conditions are more likely to walk to school due to the improvement of street space quality; after controlling the residential self-selection bias, the street space quality still has a significant correlation with the probability of walking to school. This study can provide a scientific basis for the evaluation of street space quality and the construction of child-friendly cities.

关键词 (Key Words)


street space quality;
school-age children;
walking to school;
residential self-selection

原文链接 (Full Text)

城市规划 (City Planning Review)
